HypnoBirthing® Classes

I teach a Childbirth Education program called HypnoBirthing, through certification from HypnoBirthing International. In this class series we explore a philosophy and related techniques which foster a gentle and calm birthing experience. HypnoBirthing prepares birthing people and their partners for a confident, easier, and more comfortable birth through relaxation, self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, affirmations, and education. In addition to teaching specific techniques, the course also provides a comprehensive Childbirth Education program in which you will learn about taking care of yourself in late pregnancy, the choices you have for birthing, what to expect in labor, and postpartum preparation.

HypnoBirthing is rooted in the belief that an instinctual and natural birth does not need to involve severe discomfort when the birthing person is prepared and trusts their body. This class can be taken by any pregnant person, regardless of their intended birth location (hospital, home, birth center) or intention to have a natural birth.

Upcoming opportunities

  • January Virtual HypnoBirthing Class

    Sundays 12:30 pm on Zoom

    January 7, 14, 21, 28; February 4

    This is a 5 week series, with each class lasting 2-2.5 hours.


  • Spring Virtual HypnoBirthing Class

    New dates coming soon!

    This is a 5 week series, with each class lasting 2-2.5 hours.


  • Providence HypnoBirthing Class

    If you are local to Providence and are interested in taking an in-person HypnoBirthing class in the coming months, please contact me to express interest!